Accommodating the future
# Chapter 292
The future has arrived. And well Emma is gonna arrive soon too, but the future has arrived in our lives. That future where we leave our lives in Eastern Europe and restart our lives in the West. We thought that future was much further down the road but it got here much much sooner than we anticipated because of coronavirus primarily. Yeah simply a virus on one hand, but one that basically stopped all in person meetings around the world, effectively bringing our work in Eastern Europe to a total and complete halt. That brought a universal end to that work in that way, probably forever. It brought the future into the immediate present.
This future is no longer vaguely way out there in the netherworld somewhere coming some time later. That future has arrived and we need to make it work or it will kick us to the curb and we will not thrive on the curb. The problem is that we are not ready for the future to have arrived! Nothing is in place for this future now! Everything was playing out on a long game for 10 years from now and even easing into it slowly at the 10 year mark. None of those plans and investments are ready to produce today. So we need to reassess that plan and remake that plan and to have some new plans and that is what the future arriving early has brought us to. So what is your course of action to accommodate the future arriving today?