Dr D’s Diagnosis

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Chapter 58

Allow for astonishing work. There are almost no limitations to the work that I can accomplish with these tools. Writing and thinking and figuring and planning and mapping and processing and communicating and convincing. There are so many many things that I could accomplish with these tools. The tools available today are really incredible. I have been writing regularly for over 26 years and I can tell you, today’s tools are far far superior to the tools I had back then. But the tools I had back then were far superior to the tools Shakespeare had. Tools we have in abundance and they are great.

What is most often lacking is focus. The second most lacking piece is motivation. But I could not ask for better tools. Obviously great tools aren't enough to focus me nor motivate me. Neither do these great tools make me grateful nor thankful. Oh they amaze me, but they don't provide those very necessary human elements to what it takes to get the jobs completed. I am so blessed with great friends surrounding me and supporting me, and helping me, and it still doesn't seem to be enough some days. I really want someone I can whine and complain to. Someone who will at least truly hear what is going on inside of me. But few ask. Few really want to know.

But even if everyone wanted to know, that would still not be enough for focus nor motivation. Those have to come from within me. Writing, and most other things in life, are about what is inside of you, not the tools available to do the job.