Dr D’s Diagnosis

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Chapter 88

The steeper my learning curve the more I want to go back to what is easy and comfortable. But you can’t do that, you just can’t. That steep learning curve is going to take you places you have never gone before, places you will need to go to continue making progress in your journey, places you need to go if you want to continue changing the world to be a better place for you, your family, your grandkids, your neighbors and the rest of the world. 

But steep learning curves are very uncomfortable, even more so as you get older and slower. They challenge the status quo in your life and make much of the expertise you have built over a lifetime, irrelevant and useless. It also bottleneck’s your speed and grace in living - in other words, you are gonna look like a fool in so many ways before the curve levels out and you can gain some traction. 

The wise and hungry person, continues that steep curve, they are relentless and consistent. Although you need to apply caution to your tendency to make quick decisions, since you know so little. I find this the most difficult piece of the steep learning curve process - to slow down and take a deep breath and to depend (and wait!) for others to make the decisions about the business at hand. Be wise, and let them make those decisions, because you and me aren’t ready for that yet.