Dr D’s Diagnosis

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The shortest distance

Chapter 71

We can’t move forward if we aren’t facing the facts. As I have written recently here, the facts are the constraints of reality, that form your working situation. If you don’t factor in the realities that you are facing, then your dreams don’t have any soil in which to grow and take root and transform into something else. Be very certain here, that I don’t want to douse your dreams, I actually want to make them possible and water them and feed them until they become inevitable. But that starts with wrestling with the facts, the solid constraints of your current reality.

Some may think that I am talking about money or your budget, and while you need one, this is a flexible fact because you can move several of these pieces around, by spending less or making more money or both. Flexible facts are like wet cement, they could be a fact of your reality . . . but anything that can be impacted that significantly that quickly, is not what I am a referring to as the facts of your life. The fact of your life and my life are the relationships we have, the responsibilities that we have, and the limits to our imagination and willingness to grow and change and develop. For the majority of the people I know in the world, that last one is as solid a wall of fact, as is their mother and father.

Few people can hear this and take appropriate action - self-development is your number one factor in changing your life. The shortest distance between where you are and where you want to be is the truth. Michael Hyatt Sitting in front of TV is not going to move you forward. Sitting period is not generally going to move you forward. The action required to be and build the best version of you is mostly internal, not an external change of circumstances.