Dr D’s Diagnosis

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Where you aim matters

# Chapter 106

Aiming low has become a favorite pastime for folks it seems. It is easy to do, it takes the least amount of energy, it can be the default. But this easy path leads to our destruction if we follow it for very long. There is no challenge and development in this path, it is doing what you already know how to do and doing it without engaging all your mind body and soul and energy and capacity. There is no stretch in aiming low. There is no positive stress, (like in lifting weights), there is no learning, there is no excitement, there is nothing to look forward to, no sense of accomplishment, no satisfaction for doing something amazing, no thanks from those who can appreciate the difficult.

This last one really matters. I played on the worship team yesterday at church. Have been practicing for weeks, learning lots of new chords and difficult pieces of music. When worship leader notices that I played a particularly difficult chord in an old hymn, he mentioned it to me, and that made all that work and effort and frustration and repetition worthwhile - in a flash. That moment was tremendous, because a Master musician heard the difference that aiming high had produced. There are no words to describe how that makes you feel. I wanted to come home and practice some more, even though we had been playing for hours and my hands were hurting. Doing something amazing with people who can truly appreciate it, is so energizing!

So stop aiming low. Stop only attempting to accomplish what you already have done in the past, you can do so much more. And interestingly enough, you will benefit the most, even if the extra effort and work is for someone else or some other organization or project. Aiming high will always benefit you the most - a nice side benefit!