Dr D’s Diagnosis

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Enforcing your intentions

# Chapter 109

/Mental will is a muscle that needs exercise, just like muscles of the body." ~ Lynn Jennings/

Mental will is critical to your overall health. You don’t hear about it very much compared to all the other aspects of health, but those who work it and exercise it and allow it to function at its highest level - live a far better kind of life than those who don’t. Because mental will makes all other parts of your life go way better and way more successfully.

Mental will is the construct inside your imagination that allows you to see the potential future, the construct that lets you be strong and effortless in your project, workout, or relationships. Once exercised and used, making it happen in reality becomes so much easier. Every professional athlete uses this process to see their victory, every other professional who reaches a high level of competence exercises this mental muscle. This is the practice of enforcing your intentions upon reality - mental will.

And like your physical muscles, it needs daily exercise and use. Make a habit of raising your success levels by using and developing your mental will.