Everything has a price
Chapter 93
The price of discipline is always less than the pain of regret." ~ Nido Qubein
Price, that is the point. Everything has a price, a cost, a demand that cannot be thwarted or evaded. The pain of regret is just another price, or a way of saying the price. Then point is this, everything has a cost and you need to decide which ones you are going to pay.
Yes you can chose one price over another and that Qubein’s point here. Be disciplined and while that is costly, it will allow you to avoid experiencing regret - it is your get out of regret free card. Regret for not having discipline in your work, diet, exercise, whatever, is now negated. Of course there are other types of regret. Regrets that have more to do with choices in general and less to do with discipline per se. You can have regrets for your career choice, your college choices, your spouse choices, your children’s choices and other such genre of regrets that can happen to anyone.
The main issue here though is that were we disciplined in our pursuits and wishes and dreams, then we would have a lot less regrets period. But discipline is the piece that keeps getting away from us. Rather than discipline driving my life, I tend toward habits and structures to keep me on track, but that in itself is a form of discipline. However you do it, is less important than, that you do it regularly, all the time, every day. Let’s leave no room for regrets.