Cheers from the far past
# Chapter 116
/"Whatever you are, be a good one." ~ Abraham Lincoln/
Amen to that. People are so much more interested in seems, in the what you are part, rather than the be a good one part. To be a good one, man that is the hard part, the difficult part, the unappreciated part, the unpopular part. And depending on the job, it can be a decades long process to be a good one. Surgeons, dentists, veterinarians, mechanics, and such folks require far more than education, they require experience and practice. But every, be a good one, is more a posture and an attitude in most jobs than experience and practice.
That posture and attitude will serve you well in more ways than just work and jobs too. It is a can-do posture, a forward leaning, an effort toward getting everything moving in the right direction, and to keep it moving. This posture is that this is my responsibility and opportunity and that I will make something happen and that something will be positive. This attitude is that I have to own this, this depends on me and my decisions, that whatever good comes out of this will because I took action and did what needed doing and then some more. This attitude can take you far in life, and far in your relationships and work.
Notice that someone from the far past is the one encouraging you to do this. You won’t hear this much in the modern world unless you are turned into leadership channels and such. President Lincoln said it well. Now dig in.