Dr D’s Diagnosis

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This is life

# Chapter 148

So good to be home, and home is where Brenda is right now! Home has never been as much about Brenda as it is right now. There is an entirely new sense of that in our lives right now. Mirche’s passing yesterday shook us all so much. Life is fragile and short and you had better live it well and to the maximum while you can. Then it ends and there is a world without you in it.

We shared our Christmas gifts with each other last night. It was so much fun and we both enjoyed giving to the other. We both like giving gifts more than we want to receive them anyways. Brenda laughing is about the best gift that anyone can ever get anyhow. We sense this more keenly than ever now that our friend Nada is without her Mirche and that the girls are without their father.

But sharing life is so much more than sharing gifts at Christmas time. It is me bagging up the trash this morning and making three grocery runs for Brenda last night as she was starting to prepare our Christmas bash with the kids and grands. It is helping, anticipating the other person’s needs so that you can deliver what is most needed at the right time - and that making you far happier than you doing your own stuff. Sharing life is unloading the dishwasher together this morning while preparing breakfast. Reading the scriptures together, making the bed together, sitting in the living room snuggling together. This is life.