Series of failure is good? Well it depends . . .
# Chapter 164
/Success is walking from failure to failure with no loss of enthusiasm." ~ Winston Churchill/
This is so true and yet has to be tempered with not getting locked into a lost cause because of sunk costs. There are two different categories of actions, and two different categories of failure. One is where you have had an epiphany and you /know/ that you have to be doing this. Then the above applies. The other category is a high need/want and you really wish it to be something that works and comes to fruition. Walking away from the first category is never success, and even loss of enthusiasm is not a success. On the second category of action, walking away when you have sunk tons of effort and resources and time and have no results, then walking away is actually the most successful thing you can do at this point, no matter how painful and unthinkable it feels.
On the first category of actions, expecting failure is the norm. You and I need to have a stance of resilience and know that series of failures may happen, but this is what we are supposed to be doing. What we are reaching for is so large and meaningful that failure is inevitable. This resilience to failure is the ultimate success, if it can be accomplished with a sunny disposition and enthusiasm to try again tomorrow. Failures happen as a normal course of events no matter what, get used to them.