Dr D’s Diagnosis

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What’s in your head

# Chapter 163

“It’s the excuses in your head that are telling you you can’t.

Whatever you are doing or not doing, change one thing every day. When you wake up, do something to achieve your goals. Write them down, talk to people about them, go to meetup groups, whatever you need to do to change the patterns in your life.

If you are continuing to do the same thing, nothing is going to change.” - Elizabeth Leigh

I figure you are weary of me telling you that you can change and make things better and move forward and succeed. Maybe you can hear it fresh and new from Elizabeth, a single mother of three who is changing the world and making a difference and providing for herself and her kids at the same time. Not me the overeducated grandpa who lives in airports and hotels telling you this time, instead its a typical American mom with all the pressures of living her life telling you this time. Stop listening to those excuses in your head. You can change one thing every day. You can move one tiny step closer to your goals. You can write them down and Elizabeth and I both highly highly recommend that you do that right now. Don’t wait! That is another excuse. Find other people who have similar goals and talk about it, talk it up!

There are no unicorns here. Just steady small incremental progress in the right direction will eventually produce some results that you are hoping for, that you are needing in life. Even I needed to hear this again in my life. Was starting to let the excuses and “reasons” pile up in my brain and incapacitate me, and cripple my change-the-world factor. Gotta keep the pressure on so that things happen. Doing the same stuff equals nothing is going to change.