Twin Towers of Power
# Chapter 203
Patience and perseverance! The magical two that change every endeavor. John Quincy Adams said that difficulties and obstacles are vanquished before these mighty two warriors. Patience and perseverance. They both are in short supply just about everywhere these days. Patience far more than perseverance. People have had to persevere this past year with our coronavirus world, but they have not been patient with it, nor with their neighbors, or the national systems in place, nor with themselves. Patience is in super short supply, and persevering is the only option.
But what if we came to the table with those, piled up and ready to go, wrapped and prepared to attack life with these warriors? Instead of dragging patience and perseverance up from the last line of defense and the bottom of the barrel, what if we started with them and made them the cornerstone of our strategies? This could change everything. Especially in our coronavirus world. We could do so much more and at such a deeper level if we just started with these two attributes, and faced the world and all the difficulties and obstacles with pockets full of patience and perseverance.
While Brenda and I quarantine and we can’t have face to face connections with anyone, these are good friends to have along side of you. Patience and perseverance. Dust them off, polish them up, make them the cornerstone of your forward facing strategies.