Dr D’s Diagnosis

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In honor of Anet Marie

# Chapter 189

Yesterday was another spectacular day, warm and sunny, and lots of great high points and events. This kind of weather in February is very unusual and rarely seen. And we had snow this week already even! So a sunny awesome day on the outside, but still a heavy sad heart on the inside. Still mourning and wrestling with the death of Anet Marie.

And in some ways that made the sun brighter and the day warmer and the experience more intense, because we are determined to celebrate life in the face of death. We celebrate each portion and segment and event not to stave off death, because that is impossible, but to rejoice in the mere act of living. It is an act of thankfulness and rebellion all in one. It is a statement of our determination to live life to the fullest, to experience this moment in all its fullness, to shout to the universe that life goes forward still.

So I filled the day with most life affirming actions I could and enjoyed it to the maximum. Anet would want us all to choose joy instead of darkness and depression. I have even enjoyed watching videos of her singing and playing. What an amazing person.