Your significant people
Chapter 223
The third death this week of a close and precious friend has happened just a few minutes ago. That makes breakfast a very sober experience, unlike the robust and lively conversations that we normally have with our eggs and bacon. Instead we have had sorrow after sorrow this week, this whole year of Coronavirus and sickness. We have lost some dear friends. That makes this trip all the more important.
We are at my dad’s house in rural GA doing our monthly visit. Many people I talk to are appalled that we spend so many resources on these monthly visits and I am appalled that they are appalled. How can we not? Our parents gave and gave and gave to us. At the ends of their lives we are supposed to reserve resources???
And of course we see other friends and clients and work partners while we are down here, the upsides are pretty much infinite, and the downsides are that we are away from home and the kids and the grandkids and our significant relationships up in PA. Spend your resources on significant people in your life. You can’t take it with you.