Dr D’s Diagnosis

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Decisions about decisions

# Chapter 306

A day of relative quiet. Rare in life and most valued. Didn’t resolve anything, other than I am going to pull the God switch on Growability and see what God sends our way. Everything else just sat on the back burner and simmered all the way through the day. And that is ok for most things in my life require a long simmer these days. Don’t really know if this is a new phenomena in my life, or if I am just noticing it finally, or if I have transitioned to a different stage of life. I simply don’t know, but it has become the new normal that I can think and percolate on things for a very long time now.

What I need to assess is whether or not this is helping me execute or preventing me from executing or taking action. Sometimes thinking about something can be a form of procrastination and delay rather than being a tool of careful thoughtful due diligence. How to decide which one this situation is developing into? This is more difficult than you would think, to set some metrics and make some decisions about your decisions. Making decisions about your decisions, now that is something you can think about.