Dr D’s Diagnosis

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Keeping it moving

# Chapter 314

Keep moving and never give up. Yes there are times for doing absolutely nothing and just vegging out, but few of us seem to have a problem with getting in our veg time. The problem more of us face is a focused keep moving in the right direction and not giving up when things prove to be very difficult. Between Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and Snapchat (and my wife would have to add Viber and messenger) we have lots of things aimed at derailing our attention away from our focused keep moving intentions. And everyone else makes everything looks so easy! That feeds my “I want to just give up” feelings when things inevitably prove difficult. And yes they are difficult because you are changing the world without enough resources, help, people, and energy = very difficult.

This should encourage you rather than make you want to give up. I already told you that this was going to be a challenging path to follow. If it proves to require little of you, your heart and soul, then you likely are on the wrong path. That does not mean every single piece is like an olympic event, some parts will be easier than others. When you get into this groove and you are smoking hot with your progress the whole affair may fly by in a moment because you are in the zone. But don’t give up if you don’t reach this plateau. Keep moving and never give up. Its the difference between those who succeed and those who spend their time watching YouTube.