The worst you can imagine
# Chapter 144
When the worse you can imagine never comes to pass. All that mental energy lost and wasted as you worried over a cataclysmic event that never came about. Maybe your wife is right after all, and you are like, way too worried and fearful. Sounds like your dad is rubbing off on you, he who can imagine every possible impossible negative, has infected you with the same disease! Stop it. See the GAINS, stop living in the GAP! Clearly I need a great deal more practice and reminders to stay out of the gap. Practice gratefulness, practice thankfulness, see more not less, see your blessings, see your possibilities, live in the gain! You have come so far, don’t stop now. Don’t start living in the gap between today and the ideal, that will rob you of all that you can have today.
And now that the meeting is past and the world didn’t fall apart, you can spend just a few minutes thinking about what your proper response would be . . . what if it all had gone to hell in a hand basket? How would this morning actually be any different? Hmmmm, what a question! In fact you would have done the only thing that any of us can do - keep going, find another way, create another solution and keep going! There aren’t many options and your imagination is robbing you of far too much, so change the way that you can use it. Imagine all the ways that you could have proactively gotten ahead of this challenge and resolved it before it could ever have become a problem. Imagine all the ways that God has had your back for four decades and He isn’t gonna stop now. Imagine all that could be when you stop allowing the GAP to interfere with what could be!