You can choose to not fear your fears
# Chapter 147
Its ok to be afraid. That means that what you are worried about is important. Important stuff is worthy of our concern and worry and fear. But fear is a difficult animal, it can be the animal that takes over our lives and exerts undue control and causes us more problems, than the value it can bring. Fear is your friend as long as you don’t let it get out of control. There are lots of danger warnings out there about worry taking over your life, so I am not going to get bogged down into those right now.
The point here this morning is that the important stuff is worthy of focus and concern and worry and sometimes fear. It is important after all! That means it is major and that it has large consequences. Failure affects a lot of people and perhaps in really big ways. Get into it completely, because this is significant stuff and success or failure makes a big difference. You can totally see this through, and you can choose not to fear your fears. Their purpose is not to scare you as much as they are there to communicate how important this moment it, how big this opportunity is, how much this project is worth, and how much you need to be all there and bear down on this moment. I remember hearing the phrase that we “have nothing to fear but fear itself” or something along those lines, and that is so not true. Fear is the symptom of something big and you have to pay attention.