Play days
# Chapter 155
Its a winter storm day that I am writing this chapter. That means we aren’t going anywhere, we aren’t leaving the house if we can help it and we aren’t even going outside if it can be avoided. The kids will likely take a run or two outside, but us “mature” folks are far too worried about falling to take such risks. And I think that we lose more than we protect with that approach even though I get it and know that falling is no fun as you get older. I don’t enjoy it either, but you need some play time regardless of your age and that is the real point there. Having fun days, snow days, winter storm days, whatever kind of days, so that you can have some fun and leisure.
I am luxuriating in the warm house, dry and toasty and comfortable, but contemplating going out and having a run and slide in the ice and snow outside. That could easily be a decision I come to regret, but sitting inside watching it all day is an intolerable thought that should make each of us shudder. At the very least sit on the front porch and breath the icy air and viscerally feel the weather, instead of cocooning inside all the day.
Time to go play!