Dr D’s Diagnosis

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The mental power of GAP thinking

# Chapter 143

The GAP sneaks up on you and keeps you there if you let it. I have an appointment today and it could be a really negative appointment with lots of implications. That is pure conjecture at this point since I haven’t had the meeting yet, but my statement shows the GAP. The negative that I am thinking about without any real substance. The meet could just as well be about a great new opportunity or some new clients, or about some challenges the other party is having and looking for feedback. Or a million other things. But the GAP is sneaky and seems to always bring the worse possible outcome to mind over and over and thereby taking over your mental posture for the entire day. All the GAINS are lost in the waves and waves of the GAP.

Actually that is not the truth as I sit here and think about it. The GAINS are still there, but I can’t see them or perceive them as I am consumed with the GAP possibilities. What a terrible waste in every sense. While the meeting may be negative today, we are already committed to turning whatever happens into a GAIN so why fret and worry and conjecture and imagine all these negatives? This is one of the poorest patterns in my life, and perhaps you face it too, or a different version of the GAP sneaking into your mind all the time, the point is to stop that nonsense. You are strong enough to find a GAIN out of whatever happens today, so losing all this traction to GAP thinking is diminishing the wonders of your GAIN. Stop it!