# Chapter 158
We are mostly way too results oriented and not nearly enough focused on laying the groundwork for success. You have to focus each day on the mundane work of plowing the fields, fertilizing the soil, and turning it over several times, if you have any legitimate hope of realizing a crop of corn or soybeans in the near future. This is the daily work that requires you and I to be relentless and unbeatable. This ground work, no pun intended, is crucial to any reasonable success. Its the work few want to do, and that many avoid, and that can be the most difficult to start, yet is the most critical to a rhythm of success and produce.
Perhaps you are like me, in that I sit around thinking about doing this difficult work rather than actually doing any of it. I sit around thinking about the salary that I would draw were I to actually succeed at producing this result, but yet I rarely take any of the necessary steps to prepare the field. I spend all my time thinking about the results, without taking the actions necessary to get me moving in that direction! I am far too often the farmer standing in the corn crib thinking about the harvest, yet not planting any seeds. Its the person who plants and prepares who receives the harvest. Sorry. No one else does. And that means you and me.
Instead of focusing on any, and I mean any, potential results, focus on how much preparation you are willing to do and action you are willing to take to move the needle toward success. This and nothing else, is what you should be counting, measuring, focused upon. Results are a foregone conclusion when you focus on the right things.