Dr D’s Diagnosis

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Hard work and difficult to do

# Chapter 159

Lots of advice is cycle sensitive. For instance, I am big on thinking. We do far far too little of it, and that which we do is poorly formed. Most of our challenges in life deserve a great deal more thought and surprisingly this is really hard work, so it doesn’t get done. And it seems vague and insubstantial, so it doesn’t get done. And it seems ill-defined and formless so it doesn’t get done. And taking some form of physical action feels like far superior movement forward over thinking and so it doesn’t get done.

Yet I am big on action. Many many times in these writings I have urged you to just get started. Heck even Seth Godin urges you every week to do the same. Getting started and taking some positive action seems to be every bit as difficult as thinking for most of us. We appear to be paralyzed and unable to do anything. What one thing can you DO that will move you toward your goals and get you moving? Moving is gold, because that is essentially momentum, and momentum is your friend!

Now the moment of truth, these are both critical and the demand for them - thinking and action - cycles back and forth. Actually let me rephrase that, they are both needed all the time. Which one is more needed in a given situation is the one that will give the most value at the moment. Both of them are hard work and difficult to do well, so you have plenty to practice right now. Most everyone has challenges taking action and getting started and for some deep thinking.