Dr D’s Diagnosis

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Road trips

# Chapter 182

There are few things more interesting or boring than a road trip and this one has been both. Interesting in that I get time with my wife alone and that is always rare, she is in high demand. And then I got some time with old friends that we have shared many experiences with and who support the work we do around the world and we got some meals in together and some cigars together, and great conversations that were so much fun. There are few things more precious than days like this.

Boring in the sense of endless mindless miles, but that too can be a wonderful state of being, where your mind can float and make new connections or can just vegetate and not make any connection, a general state of rest and storing up some renewal. Everyone needs some of these kinds of states of being and experiences on a regular basis.

This almost always requires you to get away from “home” in order to do it though, and that is where it falls apart for most people. Most people only get away from home on an annual vacation if they are lucky. Planning to get away from home is something most Americans have to schedule and do intentionally. It won’t happen unless you have jobs like my wife and I do, where road trips and International travel is a near daily experience. This is something you need to address. My problem is just the opposite, I don’t get enough home time! But that is a post for another day.