Doing what needs to be done
# Chapter 338
There are all different kinds of work and the kind of work that I did yesterday was important but not one of my favorites. It was a sit and talk day. The sitting was timely since that is about all I can manage with my blown knee, but trying to focus and listen and engage a conversation when all I want to do is scream, was very wearying. But that was the job yesterday so buck up and get it done! And we did, and moreover I am glad I did because it was needed and was the right thing to do. This is adulting 101 and it is how you and I need to operate day in and day out as we lead our lives and are an example to our kids and our grandkids, and heck why not say it, an example to our friends and neighbors and coworkers! I am not a sit and talk enthusiast on my best days, but sometimes that is the job and you get it done.
Today is gonna be a sit and teach day for the first half and then a sit a learn day for the second half. Yeah yeah I know, all this sitting, when I really want to be riding my bicycle and climbing a mountain and playing racketball and moving all day. Heck cutting the grass and weed whacking is far preferable to all this sitting, but sitting is what the day demands so sitting is what we will do. Do you see the theme here, we do what we have to do, what the situation and the day demands of us and we are so privileged to get to do these things. As Earl and I say to each other every day, “we aren’t in a hospital with a ventilator, we aren’t in a nursing home with a tube, and we aren’t in the graveyard pushing up flowers.”