Dr D’s Diagnosis

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No construction

# Chapter 325

It was perhaps the easiest and least disruptive trip I have made for that many miles in a very long time. 700 miles of no construction, no accidents and no slow downs. That is so rare as to be off the map! And that made it extra good for thinking and working. I got some good work done and that made the trip go even faster. Plenty of thorny questions to work through and consider.

I have largely resolved the next 12 months of financing and that is a relief and then I realized that I need strategies for the next three years, the next five years, and ten years and 30 years!! Each of those markers requires something different than the others do and so there are layers and shifts and most importantly, the 30 year financing type questions creates a great deal of pressure and also perspective to the 3-10 year financing questions. Of course there are always a large number of assumptions as you try to resolve these types of challenges. Just the fact that it is in the future, makes certainty unattainable and that is nothing new when talking and thinking about the future. But you have to take action, and you have to attempt to impose your will on how things will turn unfold in the future. That is why we go to college, why we learn and study and improve our postures for the future, and one thousand other actions that we do to improve our options in the future.

So you and I have to lay the groundwork for the future of work, for the future of our finances and thankfully I had some time to mentally chew on that dilemma yesterday and put some actions in play that may pay some fruit in the future.