# Chapter 322
Doing things that others like, because they like them, is one of the best ways to give of yourself to others. Yeah I get it, its not your gig and you have a million other things to do, but man it ain’t about you all the time. And if you think I am wrong about this, you live in a twisted reality that won’t last long, and is extremely unsatisfying. If you only live for yourself then you are doomed to be alone. Perhaps you think that a lovely idea, but I don’t believe you. I am a solid introvert and not even I could engage the level of aloneness that I am referring to here. Nah lets not even go there, there is not enough room in this small chapter to unpack that.
Doing things that others like is a powerful way to enter into the lives of people in a way that makes you grow and stretch. And growing and stretching are things that we all need in our lives. Just quit being so cotton-picking self-absorbed and you will find yourself doing all kinds of things that are outside your comfort zone. I know I know you don’t want to do any of these things but it is a necessary and helpful part of being alive and engaged to do these things. Otherwise you are living a life too small, less than you could and should, depressingly self-centered and all about you. Break this cycle of self-absorption and start to live on the edge a bit. You may discover yourself there instead of hating it. You make accidentally change the world for a bit of good there instead of spending all your treasures on you. You may find a path that is way more satisfying than the one you think you love right now.