Dr D’s Diagnosis

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It’s always about your attention

# Chapter 323

Where is your attention? It is something to be mindful of at all times because it is defining your life moment by moment - what you are paying attention to is your focus your joy your pain your delight your disaster your engagement of the now and now is all any of us ever have. This is your life. You can’t control many of the things that happen to you in the course of life, but what you choose to give your precious attention to is one of those things you can control and direction and choose. And guess what? You are choosing. Even when it doesn’t feel like you are are choosing you are choosing.

Where is your attention? And once you are monitoring your attention you can start doing it at more than one level at a time. Like I have my big overview attention and my high detailed in this moment all here attention. I need the big overview attention to understand and know to what I should be giving my high detailed in this moment all here attention. When I complete or finish this high detailed attention, I refer back to the big overview to see what I should intensely focus on next. This is discipline, not rocket science. You likely are already doing something similar or you have your own system of getting the MIT done. But each of these choices is like water pushing against the banks of the river, and eventually it will shape the river’s path through the pasture and determine its contours. Your attention is like that constant force of water, shaping and defining your life. Pay attention to what you are paying attention.