Your shrinking future
# Chapter 344
Stop waiting. Like we were advocating yesterday, action is your friend. Waiting is a glorified friend to inertia. Waiting is the respectable partner to inertia. Inertia is considered to be a largely negative word outside of physics. The meanings are the same but the contexts are entirely different. Waiting is the polite and thoughtful way to say inertia. Waiting is like NATO - No Action Talk Only. This does not mean rush headlong into danger and stupidity, put your thinking cap on and use it! But you no longer have the luxury of time, because inertia and waiting are time hogs, they suck it down in large gulps.
Your future is shrinking, stop waiting. I have no idea really what eternity will be like, but I can say with certainty that your remaining days here are now officially one less. The future is contracting as you burn up the present, so stop waiting. Your available days to make decisions, take action, and change the world are in countdown and they always have been. That number continues to grow smaller and smaller. Make these days count like never before. Have an intensity to your present that makes each moment count. Take action, have intentionality, be present, live intensely, have impact, change the world, stop waiting.