Mental Will
# Chapter 37
Training and learning and failing and trying again we agreed, is just SSP for most of us, and that this is simply the path to success. Here is where we engage our mental will and put our mental wills into play. It is when we are in the long haul of developing ourselves that we have to impose our will on our worlds and continue to train, learn, fail and repeat for once again, that is the most typical path to success for most of us. But you need your mental will to keep your momentum moving forward, you need your mental will to not falter and cave in from the pressures of looking foolish, or becoming a beginner AGAIN. Oh I get it. I have done this so many times.
You go instantly from being a rock star at something, and top of the pack, the alpha - to less than a child (or a dog!) the moment you enter into a new field of learning or new context where your old skills can’t help you, or when you are dropped into a new country where you don’t speak the language and they don’t speak English. I have had this done to me more than once. It is the worst and best experience you can possibly have in your life. But you have to SSP through the being an idiot period, before you can return to your rock start status. Mental will. It is what shapes this day up into the learning marathon that it will be. If you do not exercise your mental will, then this day will be relegated to a waste of your life day.