Soul alignment
# Chapter 45
Brainstorming with your team can be the most delicious mental event and exercise. This is assuming of course that your team is like my team of peeps, who are all in relationally for one another and focused and pursuing the same goals and outcomes as you are, the synergy and interesting conversations are astonishing. They are food for the soul. They are life-giving and very fulfilling. I am so fortunate to have people like this in my life and that I get to hang out with them occasionally. These are some of my favorite times in life. These are the pieces that make life really interesting! It seems that too few people have experiences this positive and that makes me sad. It doesn’t have to be this way. You can build this kind of life, and you can built these kinds of teams and relationships. It is hard work like most things are, but it is very doable.
In the pandemic the biggest challenge is meeting people period, but meeting people that you resonate with and want to hang out with and want to work with, is extra tricky. I don’t really have any ideas to help you with that, because I am meeting people even less than you are - on purpose. But you can groom your connections and networks and church and your friends friends and your enemies enemies, and you will be sure to find one or five possible people that you have soul-alignment with. You don’t have to agree on politics or eschatology, you just have to be moving in a similar direction and want to support and be supported along the journey. Don’t miss this!