What we did
# Chapter 71
Our message to the world is mostly frequently, just us. I know I know we want to be judged primarily by what we say or write and there will be some of that but not as much as you think. Mostly we are going to be judged by what we did, and this will remain as our message to the world. Apologies for bringing this out into the open as it seems to be a painful subject for some, but this needs to be talked about so that we can stay aware of the impact of our actions. These daily living actions are, and are becoming our message to the world, what they remember about us and will take from us and hopefully pass on to others.
If you are feeling argumentative this morning and think me wrong, I will tell you a short story. When we took our son to boarding school, they were doing the typical boarding school first grade interview, and they asked my first grade aged son “what does your father do?” And he he answered with six year old truthfulness and six year old perspective, “he talks on the phone all day and plays on the computer.” No matter the reasons for the phone and computer, this was my message to my son. From that point forward I made certain that my son received a different message from my life.
Be inspiring, be bold, be courageous, be spiritual, be adventuresome, be quiet, be reflective and be what you want to be, but with the understanding and acceptance that your life is your message to the world.