Dr D’s Diagnosis

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Painting your future

# Chapter 83

You are working. All your decisions and actions are leading you somewhere. You are making your today and all your tomorrows as you work, live and decide. You are 3D printing your future with how and what you work, live and decide today. And this includes all your actions, how much you sleep, what you eat, how much you move, how you love, who you invest in, the five people you spend the most time with, your financials, your savings, your choice of retirement tools, what you drive if you drive, whether you rent or own, how you raise your children, etc etc etc. You are writing the story of your life, you are painting your future,

So what are you writing and painting? Take a moment and think about it, assess it, judge it. Are you moving in the direction and conclusion that you want? Does it include all the pieces necessary for health? This is a crucial question. If you don’t protect the asset - you - then you are destroying the asset and you have got to own this, no one else can or will. Break the power of everything that leads you toward destruction and unhealthy living. Its ok if you destroy it in small incremental bites, but be ruthless. Ruthlessness is the only way to protect the power of positives in your life, those things which are helping you be healthy and protect the asset. You are working toward something. Make it awesome.