Dr D’s Diagnosis

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Reconfiguring our minds

# Chapter 84

We need to get rid of our problem mentality. I know people that are so committed to a problem mindset that they quote scripture to support their position. If only I were joking! They are embracing problems in a fashion that I cannot get my mind around. Its like they feel especially spiritual and virtuous when they have problems. I don’t share their feelings. I feel overwhelmed when I have so many problems. I become paralyzed as I face these mountains, these difficulties that stand before me. What this calls for in my world is a reconfiguration.

This is just a mental and linguistic construct but it helps me tremendously. So every “have to” becomes a “get to” and this changes everything. Instead of “I have to have the board meeting tonight at our house” becomes “ this is so great we get to have a board meeting” (and today this is a literal example as the board meeting begins in about 12 hours). And every “problem” becomes an “opportunity” which changes my mental position from one of dread to one of excitement and energy. I am convinced that the naysayers to this approach haven’t tried it. If you have and still don’t think it helpful write me and tell me why please. I want to learn more than I want to be right about something.

To me, leaving the problems out there bare and naked to distract us, depress us, and discourage us is silly. Lets change how we are looking at these thorns and make something useful out of them.