Dr D’s Diagnosis

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Expanding potential

# Chapter 77

We are important and what we do is important. Too many don’t believe it and so they fail to act in a manner that shows how important their actions are to the rest of the world. Oh don’t get me wrong, we all believe that what we do is important to us, we just don’t often understand how critically our actions impact the world. This is a crucial thing for us all to comprehend and internalize and live well.

In the small world view, your actions only affect you. That is a very incomplete understanding and posture for living one’s life. How ludicrous for you to hold on to that position. And I can disprove it in a moment. Think back to your childhood playground memories and find . . . that person. That nemesis that bothered you taunted you bullied you and caused you pain. The fact that you can bring this person to mind, that you have these memories, that you have been impacted and changed for better or worse by this person, proves my point. Your actions are at the very least a stone hitting a pond, and the ripples of that action spreading out and affecting everyone within the reach of those ripples.

In a large world view, you are certain that your actions make a very large impact and therefore you are careful and thoughtful about which actions you take. You live your life in such a way as to maximize all the positives and minimize all the negatives. This is the way to navigate and expand all your potential in life.