Less than a child
# Chapter 127
The beginning is where you start. I know that seems beyond simple but when I listen to people talk, they all want to start much further down the line than at the beginning. My son-in-law wants to be in the C-suite right out of college! If only I were joking. Now I agree that doing time for the sake of doing time in a business or company, especially as a reward for loyalty is cruel and typical punishment. Talent should be rewarded in one manner, loyalty in another. My son-in-law has talent, and he will need to spend far less time at the beginning than perhaps will others, but everyone starts at the beginning. You have to learn what you have to learn. You may have earned highest honors in your engineering class, but this application at this job of your engineering skills will require a beginning. A context in which to understand what is needed. This onboarding may vary in length and degree but it is necessary for each and every person.
So why do we resist the beginning? Well at the very least we hate being beginners again. Engage learning a new language, and you will quickly find out the dogs in the street understand far more than you do! This realization occurred to me about a month into learning Russian at Rostov State University in Rostov-na-danu Russia. I went from being a highly accomplished respected professional to less than a child in mere days. This is what a beginning can feel like. Just get over it, beginnings are where you start, embrace it, go with it, learn the basics well, excel in all else beyond.