Don’t get run over
# Chapter 125
Keep moving or get either left behind or run over. I know I know, you want to just rest on your laurels and plod along. But in case you haven’t noticed things are changing faster than ever and you need to keep up, or at the very least keep moving. Because right when you want (need) to matter most, you are in danger of becoming irrelevant. Your history and experience are valuable components of who you are and what you can bring to the table, but they also are the potential millstones around your neck as you try to swim in the deep waters of life. They can sink you completely as you rest restfully on your laurels (awards trophies prizes, etc). No one cares about those because they are in the past, and most everyone is future-oriented. Whether they should or not is the subject of today’s point. Those reveling in the past are those past considering, those past their prime, those who aren’t making a difference today or tomorrow, and yes I agree the past is important - critical even to learning - but don’t get stuck there. Keep moving.
This becomes more difficult it seems as you age and the more tendency to focus on the past becomes a temptation, perhaps there is some correlation? Yeah I think there probably is, its just too consistently what happens. But you can choose differently, you can keep moving and not get run over. More importantly, you can choose to continue to matter in the lives of those you love the most.