Dr D’s Diagnosis

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5% of the people my age . . .

# Chapter 132

Get moving start living. This was the theme of the 2005 Ultra Alpine Marathon in Slovenia. It is a phrase that I have lived well for many years now, ever since 1995. I had a brain aneurysm in ’95 and probably died a couple of times before they got things back on track. It was time to stop contributing to my death and start contributing to my life. “Get moving start living” is a fine place to begin and to continue. I no longer am running ultra marathons much less ALPINE ultramarathons, but I continue to sweat each day as best I can. Living in a hot wet climate makes this much much easier, but since I don’t unfortunately, sweating is much more challenging for half of each year.

I am rather addicted to moving now, or as I see it, I am addicted to living and living well now, moving is just one of the means of having this body function in these ways. You only get this one body and it has to take you through so much, treat it well and it may treat you well in response. Treat it poorly and it will still treat you as well as it can, but that is a far cry from how it wishes you treated it, and it could treat you. But since I am one of the 5% of my age group that exercises regularly, I can tell you that 95% of the health problems that my age group faces are a result of not moving.