Dr D’s Diagnosis

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Self-inflicted pressure

# Chapter 210

Pressure is normal. Many times we create our own though, perhaps most of the time? Like this morning trying to fit too many things into a scheduled too constrained to hold them all. The math doesn’t work. Something has to give. I would have needed to get up an hour earlier than I did if I wanted to get everything I desire into the schedule this morning. So I either have to skip breakfast, shorten this post, shorten my bike time, skip lifting weights, forego my second cup of coffee or be late for my next appointment. Probably end being a combination of several of these, shave a little here, shave a little there and try to make up for the extra hour of sleep. You do what you value and you likely create most of the pressure you feel.

If you really want to be radical, put less things in your schedule - that is an automatic pressure relief valve that you can use all the time.