Dr D’s Diagnosis

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Bigger is not better

# Chapter 215

Bigger is not better - better is better. - Masterminds. But most of the time the majority of us are thinking that bigger is more better. The entrepreneurs out there doing the hard work in the world disagree with you and me and majority. They have come to the conclusion that focusing on scale and size is a blind alley, that doing so will distract at best and destroy at worst the focus on quality and real better. And this is deadly in the estimation of these entrepreneurs as they build their businesses.

Or said another way, the size of a business is not necessarily indicative of its quality. Instead it may be indicative of its monopoly or its marketing or its timing or its scarcity. Bigger is not better by virtue of being bigger or more than the other players in that particular market. Size we will argue here is irrelevant to quality. On the converse it is obvious that many companies become bigger because of their focus on quality or value = better. Apple and Amazon are two companies that have woven their way into every area of my life because of the consistent better they bring. And yes those are two of the biggest betters out there. But I would advocate that the bigger following the better. I was using Apple long before it became bigger. Amazon on the other hand was one of those nearly instant bigger operations, but that is an anomaly.

Better is better. Period. Scale and size can often follow, but will never replace better.