Dr D’s Diagnosis

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A new start

# Chapter 205

Taking the wife out for breakfast. You should try it sometime. It shakes up the status quo and it makes a new pattern possible. In fact you should try new things regularly. We all need to do so. New things force us into uncharted territory and demands something unusual from us. For instance I did not have some form of eggs for breakfast today for probably the first time in three to four years! Granted that was in part because they had no Tabasco source to put on the eggs after they were cooked, but that is a post for another day. But I also had the possibility of having something other than eggs for breakfast today because I took my wife out for an early morning jaunt. This simple act/decision created a whole new set of events today.

Not only did it change our actual food that we started the day out with, but it also it changed the view outside our window, it changed the sounds we heard during breakfast, we got two turns wrong on the way there and had to turn around changing the whole experience, we stopped at a different grocery store on the way home that we would usually never go to, we joined in with rush hour traffic on the way there, we delayed some morning habits and skipped others, we got in more conversation than usual, we spent two exclusive hours with each other before the grandkids arrived, and we got a fresh different start. You should try it some time!