Ultimate success
# Chapter 241
Lead people to success. Don’t try to drive them to success. - Masterminds
Leading people is always preferable to driving them, but I think both are difficult and challenging. Leading is the more difficult but far more fruitful as well. When you can inspire people to reach higher and further than they have ever before, the harvest that comes from that success is a really big deal. When this occurred to me as a youngster in my 20’s, it was intoxicating! When a series of success happens like this, it is transformative, and it takes on a life of its own. I no longer needed the leader helping me succeed, I became the leader! And that is the ultimate success because I have spent the remainder of my life creating more leaders and helping them move forward.
Driving people toward success is painful. First of all there isn’t any mental room for the person to give input into what they think would be considered success. Driving people toward success in my experience always includes a destination predetermined by someone else. That is acceptable if there is room for my input, but as I said, in my experience there isn’t. Driving people toward success is selfish, its all about the person doing the driving, not at all about the person being aimed toward “success”. And this is understanding that if you are being paid for a set of outcomes, then you have to produce those outcomes, no question. But if you would lead me toward success rather than driving me forward, who is to say that we won’t produce twice or three times as much as we would otherwise?? I have seen it happen and I have experienced it a number of times myself. Driving always loses out to leading.