Dr D’s Diagnosis

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Character development denied

# Chapter 251

Challenge creates character. - Masterminds

This proves my point from yesterday. That “treating” folks as they may become in the future is only viable if that treating is inspiring challenging and proving focused. I have often reflected that this is why I have so little character. My parents were of that generation that were determined that I never felt the consequences of my actions, nor encountered any real hardships. So my childhood is on them. My adulthood is on me. It took me a really long time to allow any challenges into my life and thus it took way way too long for any character at all to develop in me. At the sweet old age of 60, I now probably have the character of a normal 25 year old. That is so sad, but as bad as it is, I have friends who are older than me and yet further behind!! Like I said, it was a generational thing at the very least.

You need physical challenges, emotional challenges, and mental challenges. And if you are working in the church space, then you also need to add spiritual challenges. These challenges and disciplines and difficulties, create and build whatever character you may have. I now know that I can do far more physically than I ever dreamed possible when a teenager. I now know that it takes two people to have a conflict and that I don’t have to be one of them. I now have a framework for solving deep problems that the world is facing. And I intentionally got out of the church space. All of these are character statements.