Dr D’s Diagnosis

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Change is coming!

# Chapter 252

Change = dissatisfaction + vision + how we will do this. - Masterminds

Discontent with how things are, plus a vision of how they might be, plus a plan to get there, is always going to result in some form of change. You can bank on it. Less certain change happens all the time as well, with such an incredibly high number of people considering a job change, they just haven’t figured out the plan of how to get there yet. This is less certain change, because I thought about leaving my previous org for over a decade, and the vision of what could be and the plan of how to get there were always just out of my grasp. But then one day I received an ultimatum from the org and the discontent level overrode all other considerations, and I resigned. The vision and plan crystalized out of necessity. This is less certain change, because in situations like mine, often the org will make a counteroffer somewhere down the road, like mine did several times. And other times, the employee goes back to the org and asks for a position again. But change is coming! Get ready.

I haven’t read any solid statistics about this, so I don’t know how these changes generally work out for people. I am thrilled with my change, and I plan to work this all the way through until retirement. That means I have only worked for two orgs my entire post-collegiate life. I think more people though are like my daughter who has been changing jobs within her field every 12-18 months. Sometimes she gets headhunted, other times she just can’t live with the toxicity any longer and so she gets another job. But she is coming to find that most orgs have toxicity and it takes 12-18 months for it to fully come to the surface and ruin the vision you had for this place. I look for this daughter to change fields entirely because of this. Change is coming. Get ready.