Dr D’s Diagnosis

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We want to work and to matter

# Chapter 253

When dissatisfaction + vision is greater than the resistance – people will change. - Masterminds

Let us continue with yesterday’s points. People in the modern world will only put up with so much crap and then they are going to bail. And that threshold continues to drop! In my 40 plus years in the world force, I have seen it drop tremendously. What we put up with decades ago, would not be tolerated for a moment in most work environments today. Of course, overseas this has not change nearly as much in many of the sweatshops I have seen in Eastern Europe and in South Asia. But even there, there is small incremental change. As society and personal wealth increase the standard of living, what one can expect and what one will tolerate are in flux.

It is interesting here in the USA, that the favorite saying in the work discussion is that people don’t want to work. I see little evidence for that. What people don’t want is toxic bad working places. Most people want to work and make a contribution and do something productive. Accomplishing something that matters is critical to most people. Its why we strive and sweat and work hard, to become something more than we are today, or that our parents were. Why would you think that we don’t want to work?? But most will continue to search for work that is both meaningful and that brings satisfaction. It doesn’t take much vision to create a mental picture that is preferable to a deplorable situation. As leaders its our responsibility to shape an environment where people thrive and want to be and work. Get to it!