Dr D’s Diagnosis

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To not be cowards

# Chapter 257

Fatigue makes cowards of us all. - Masterminds

And angry cowards as often is the case. We can’t be the strong capable energetic people our worlds need us to be if we aren’t taking care of ourselves. Self-care first and foremost is a physical thing. These bodies are the one’s we experience life with for good or ill and how we care for them usually pays us back in spades. And if we don’t take care of them, they will once again pay us back in spades. Moreover I don’t agree with the thinking that you and I can start taking care of these bodies when they get old and feeble, most of the damage we do is cumulative and my stretch marks and skin cancers and sore joints prove that. Many of the challenges I face today at 60 years old, are payments on the decisions I made in my 30’s.

You also have to self-care for your mind. I stopped watching television, and more specifically the news services, in 2007. That was to protect my mind. Instead I carefully feed it challenging and difficult concepts to stretch and expand my capabilities and possibilities. Watching television in most any form will not help you accomplish this. Read well. Read widely! There is not a single TV in our home. Take care of your mind!

You also have to care for your soul. Your body and mind are useless to help others if your character and grace are absent. You have to find a path to dig deep and discover what God has intended for you. To find those reserves of compassion and courage and generosity and kindness in your walk with God is about the only way I have seen that this happens in humans. Take care of you so that you can be a powerful force of good in the universe. Fatigue makes cowards of us all.