Dr D’s Diagnosis

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Growing people

# Chapter 243

If your employees grow – your business will grow. - Masterminds

This is so very very different than the thinking about employment and engagement was, back in the 60’s and 70’s when I was growing up. Back then you were just happy to have any kind of job, and to receive any kind of paycheck. Now we have an entirely different world of employment and there are far more jobs than people to fill them, and we make different widgets now than we did back in the 1960’s. And we view employees differently now than we did in the 1960’s. I get the 60’s and I get now.

The problem here is that when my business owner clients develop their employees they invariably bail and go to work at a competitors shop. That deincentivizes my clients pretty throughly to not spend much time or money growing their employees. Having said that I have been running experiments with my NGO and the people we hire and allowing them the freedom to grow and spread their wings, and the more they succeed at this, the more the business grows. So I am seeing both sides of this play out and I think I get it. My employees come fairly complete. They might be able to get some advanced training and another advanced degree, but they come well educated and well experienced. Whereas my clients and their employees are usually at the front end of the development cycle. They are hiring kids right out of school, where I am hiring accomplished professionals in their 40’s.

Wherever you are on this scale, you have to look at all the issues and everyone’s situation has unique factors.