Dr D’s Diagnosis

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Be lean and fast

# Chapter 280

Elements of a successful life: prepare emotionally – focus mentally/intellectually – execute physically (health/exercise) – eat rationally – schedule logically. - Masterminds

Part four eat rationally. In Thailand 10 years ago my brother was commenting to me while he was helping me load up a taxi with my luggage, that I was carrying an extra suitcase each and every day. And he was totally right. My extra 50 pounds was weighing me down every single moment of every single day and that suitcase also weighed the allowed 50 pounds. Wow! It was such a revelation. It penetrated my mind in a way that I had never experienced before. That was 10 years ago. I have been weight appropriate ever since. Losing 50 pounds when you are 50 years old was just no fun. Keeping it off for 10 years has required many mental adjustments along the way. Eat rationally is such a simple statement, such a difficult action to take each and every day. All you have to do is look around as you stroll through any public venue to see that truth.

“Eat to live” is a great way to train yourself to view food and eating. Few can do it though. “Live to eat” seems to be the Western pattern and results overflowing from that thinking affect us all. Regular folks don’t seem to be concerned about nutrition at all, just taste and volume. This is not eating rationally, this is eating gluttonously. While eating is a physical action, most of this battle takes place mentally. IF you don’t properly fuel your body and mind, then you aren’t going to be functioning at your peak performance. Your choice, feel sluggish and full, or lean and fast.