Just Be
# Chapter 300
It is so rich to catch up with old friends. Friends you haven’t seen in a long while and with who you have long histories. Things are easy between you and there are few secrets and fewer surprises, and this is a very good thing, as it has a richness about it that can’t be compared to most other experiences. All your filters fall, all your inhibitions are let go and you can just be you yourself in all your glory. Doesn’t happen to us often enough I think. We need that freedom to be us, and those that allow us and encourage us to be so without fear of reprisals are just gold. We need to always be cultivating people who can be like this for us and us for them. It is powerfully reciprocal.
Our hearts need these times, when our defenses are unneeded and our spirits can be free to explore without fear or hesitation. It is moments like these when we can soar and think outside the boundaries of normal every day lives. Consider what might be, could be, if you had more of this in your life, the very experience itself opens up possibilities in your thinking and in your expectations of where who and what you may accomplish next. But the very best part of people like this isn’t about the possibilities and the expansion they create in your heart and mind. No, its just that they let you BE. We could use a lot more of hours, days and weeks of just being the essence of ourselves. Here is to old friends.