Oversized impact
# Chapter 302
Yesterday I was talking to the guy who is in charge of Europe for one of the parent orgs I work with, and he was laying out for me the things about the job that he did not expect and that he was not equipped for, and I listened. The reason he feels so comfortable unloading and unpacking all of that with me, is because I had the job before him. I was the one who mentored him and brought him into that position. When you have walked in someone’s shoes, all the paths that they are navigating, it gives each of you confidence to share burdens without judgement. You don’t have to fix anything, just listen and observe. Contribute if asked. Give perspective if invited. These are the experiences of mature leadership in the flow of life.
The mature leader is more comfortable than ever leading from the back of the room, out of sight, not in the limelight, not upfront, not on the marquee. The mature leader needs no fanfare, is not looking for credit and accolades, is rarely in charge, orchestrates and coordinates far more than instructs, connects and encourages far more than she comes up with some brilliant whatever. I have only had the privilege of working with and along side of a few mature leaders. They had an oversized impact on me. It’s time for me to be that for others.