Dr D’s Diagnosis

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# Chapter 322

That peace and quiet I was mentioning yesterday? Well I finished it up with nine hours of sleep last night and woke up feeling like a new person. A little sore and stiff from the very physical day, but overall, great. This is what I want you to have. Balance. This peace and quiet has never been more needed in my life as I am heading back down to elder care world in a couple of days. The instant transitions from grandchild care world to elder care world right back to grandchild care world, have been weighing on me a great deal. These few days have given me a respite, a rebalancing, a third space to think and be, as well as some space to do. Make some coffee, do some writing, do some thinking, change some trajectories, reassess some directions, adjust others.

We all have limited time and limited days and lets be honest, limited lives. I guess you can side-hustle yourself into an early grave, work yourself to death, busy yourself right into the funeral home, but do you really yearn for that? I think not. Instead don’t you yearn for the quiet and the peace I have been describing? Don’t you yearn for some extra sleep? Don’t you have a hankering for a down day? I know I do. I was so very overdue for a down day and still, I almost didn’t take it. Oh it was tempting me, but I almost didn’t take it because of all the competing agenda’s around me, because of all the tradeoff’s I was thinking that day was going to cost me, and I was so wrong. Planning these things and making this space in your life is much more difficult when you are feeling strong and healthy, much easier when you get desperate and miserable. Don’t wait that long, choose life now.